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Fast Fruit


A final project of my Bachelor of Design, "Fast Fruit" is a project that focuses on sustainability in the fast food industry and tries to find a replacement for the food packaging waste problem of the fast food industry.

The project consists of three fast food dishes: nuggets, french fries and a soft drink that wore a new shape: fruits.

Together they create a fast food meal.

Why have I turned a fast food meal into three fruits?

Fruits are wrapped by peels, which are a natural packaging, which is environment friendly, and can even be eaten.

For my fruits' peels, I used 3D printed Nanocellulose. This material is organic and natural, like the fruit peels, and is earth friendly.

The meat and the french fries are also environment friendly and printed by food printers technology.

Another reason, is that each fruit comes with a different eating experience that I wanted to give to the boring fast food meal. Those experiences include picking, cracking and shape of slices.

Every fruit in the Fast Fruit series is inspired by a fruit: The nuggets started from an orange and a nut: You will need to crack its shell and then enjoy the slices. The French fries started from grapes: just pick a chip and enjoy. and the soft drink was a carambola. So when was the last time you ate fast food in the same way you eat fruits?

More photos and video coming soon

Artboard 1.jpg
Artboard 2.jpg
Artboard 3.jpg
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